Retrieve the fgpm model with index (or rank) i from within a Xfgpm object. By evaluating this code in an environment containing suitable objects sIn, fIn and sOut we can re-create a fgpm object.

  trace = TRUE,
  pbars = TRUE,
  control.optim = list(trace = TRUE)



A Xfgpm object as created by fgpm_factory.


The index (or rank) of the model in object.


An optional boolean indicating whether funGp-native progress messages should be displayed. Default is TRUE. See the fgpm() documentation for more details.


An optional boolean indicating whether progress bars managed by fgpm() should be displayed. Default is TRUE. See the fgpm() documentation for more details.


An optional list to be passed as the control argument to optim(), the function in charge of the non-linear optimization of the hyperparameters. Default is list(trace = TRUE). See the fgpm() documentation for more details.


A parsed R code defining the fgpm model.


The models are sorted by decreasing quality so i = 1 extracts the definition of the best model.


Remind that the models are sorted by decreasing quality so i = 1 extracts the definition of the best model.

See also

The [[,Xfgpm-method that can also be used to re-create a fgpm object using the same data as that used to create the Xfgpm object in object.


## =========================================================================
## Using the pre-calculated object `xm` to save time. See `?xm` to re-create
## this object.
## =========================================================================

## 'xm@model' is the best 'fgpm' model in 'xm'

## see the R code to use to recreate the model
modelDef(xm, i = 1)
#> expression(fgpm(sIn = sIn[, 2:5], fIn = fIn, sOut = sOut, f_disType = "L2_byindex", 
#>     f_pdims = c(1, 3), f_basType = "B-splines", kerType = "gauss", 
#>     trace = TRUE, pbars = TRUE, control.optim = list(trace = TRUE)))

if (FALSE) {
    ## Define new data in a list. Using an environment would also work,
    ## including the global environment, which is the default in  `eval`.
    L <- list()
    set.seed(341) <- 3^5
    x1 <- x2 <- x3 <- x4 <- x5 <- seq(0, 1, length =^(1/5))

    ## create the data objects required to fit the model
    L$sIn <- as.matrix(expand.grid(x1 = x1, x2 = x2, x3 = x3, x4 = x4, x5 = x5))
    L$fIn <- list(f1 = matrix(runif( * 10), ncol = 10),
                   f2 = matrix(runif( * 22), ncol = 22))
    L$sOut <- fgp_BB7(L$sIn, L$fIn,

    ## Now evaluate <- eval(modelDef(xm, i = 1), envir = L)
    plot(, main = "Re-created 'fgpm' model with different data")
    plot(xm[[1]], main = "Re-created 'fgpm' model with the same data")